Thursday, July 14, 2011

The End of an Era

This has nothing to do with Etsy or crafting. I am just being sentimental.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 comes out tonight and I am a little more emotional then I thought I would be. 10 1/2 years of movies is a lot. I saw the first movie at midnight with some of my closes friends. We were seniors in High School and we thought we were the coolest (We kinda were, but in an extremely Geeky way.)

It is interesting to think about how much has happened in the past decade and how many things have changed. There is a line in RENT that says "I can't believe a year went by so fast." I know that people say that a lot, but hearing it in the context of that play was the first time I really understood it. I graduated from high school, went to college and graduated, fell in and out of love, lost loved ones, had my first job, quit my first job, got married, bought house and about did a million other things in between.

So, I guess the end of Harry Potter really means that I am officially, without a doubt an adult. (In case being in my late 20s was not enough to cement that.)

Well at least Cassandra Clare's awesome books are keeping me going.

Go forth and see HP DH P2!


- from my iPad


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