Thursday, June 30, 2011

Logo, Logo, Logos

Hey Blog World,

LowlaBug Designs got a face lift this week. I put the new logo on EVERYTHING. I am very proud of myself. I have been reading for years about branding yourself and how important it is, but I never really did anything about it. As someone who has enough paper marketing (postcards, business cards, flyers, etc) products to make small corporations blush (thank you Vistaprint). I was ashamed. It was not until I saw Mary from ArtTales logo outside of the twitter world that I realized how important they were. I new that it was her instantly, and she is just 1 of hundreds of people I see on twitter.

My Logo is not fancy. In fact it is the same logo that I have been drawing for 14 years. I am happy with it though.

For those of you who have not created your logo yet and are looking for a simple way to create a logo I suggest Google Documents.

Sidebar:I use google docs for EVERYTHING. They are so simple.

So go into Google Docs and select New Drawing. From there you can insert photos or use shapes to make your shapes. I used the free draw option (Go to the shape drop down and it is the one to right of the "T".) The really nice thing about their free drawing is that it smoothes your lines out for you so they don't look like you drew it in the car.

Once I created my drawing I downloaded it into Picasa and crafted the lettering.

I highly suggest you try it. If you don't have your own shop or you already have a logo but would like to try it out may I suggest making a logo for "Pops Soap Shop." It doesn't exist, but I feel as though it would be a great way to use a bunch of different techniques in Google Drawings.

Go forth and Logo!



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Love Letter:

So this is a new series that I would like to introduce on my Blog. There are a couple sites that I use everyday and I think that every etsy seller should know about. Things that have made my life easier, or at least taken a little bit of mystery out of this thing called the internet. Today's Love Letter is to and here is why.

Craftoplis is a fantastic site that allows you to do a couple of things that other sites don't. It connects to your google analyitcs as well as etsy to grab tons of information. However, my favorite

Tag Reports -
What are tag reports you ask? They are records of what people searched for on Etsy that brought up your items. Fantastic, I know. You can look at tag reports for 60 days - 30 days - 7 days - Yesterday and Today. I would be lying if I said I was not completely obsessed with this feature. It will also give you the search terms that they used. For example I just listed Lowla's Library and I can see that someone searched for Kindle Book Cover and one of mine came up on page 11.

I have also learned (some of you may already know this) that the title of your item also counts in etsy's tags. So, it might not be the best use of Tags to double up on things that are already in your title. This site has been amazingly helpful.

Go forth and explore it for yourself. It is a blast.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

They say you're only as good as the company you keep...

...but lately I've been keeping to myself.

Thank you Brair Rabbit for the perfect title to this post. With my new pledge to post I have decided to start with a personal update.

2011 has been interesting for me as well as LowlaBug Designs.

LBD selling out 2 weeks before Christmas was nuts. I have never knitted so many items in such short amount of time. Supply and Demand. I have not experienced the scales so drastically before. I know have had 97 sales on Etsy and that does not reflect wholesale orders, craft sales and consignment shops. I was completely burned out, but in a nice way. I did feel a little sad about having to work at my in-laws (who I love beyond words) house over the holiday season. However, with the help of my niece and nephew we took 2 radio flyers worth of packages to the Fort Worth, TX post office.

My husband and I bought a house! 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, yard and basement. We now live in the amazing little town of Homewood, Il. It is great, they have farmer's markets, parades and festivals. It is a welcomed change from Chicago and a great place to start a family. Our new house also has a studio which is amazing. I get so much done and am no longer trying to move folding tables around in a 2 bedroom apartment to make enough space to craft and have dinner.

As you know from reading this blog I have started making eBook covers, Lowla's Library. I love them and they are now the only things my husband and I use for our kindles. I haven't sold any yet, but hopefully that changes soon. They are kind of like crack to me, because it is letting me explore paper as a medium while allowing me to change my covers as often as I change my shoes. If it catches on it will be a great off season product.

We just got back from camping in Lake Geneva, WI and I was really inspired. There is going to be some great fall knits coming to LBD this year.

My Brother released his debut solo album (Brair Rabbit and the Company You Keep) this January and the buzz has been great! His CD release party was booked pass capacity. He has been featured in the newspaper multiple times since April as a top 10 new band in Chicago as well as the top 12 bands to see at Taste of Chicago this year. It looks like he will be making his first TV appearance as Briar Rabbit this month as well. I am so proud of him. He is also super good, so you should check out what people are calling Though Pop.

My husband is still unemployed, which brings us to 9 months and counting. We are lucky that we are not extravagant people and that the most expensive thing we buy are books. We are lucky enough to have an amazing family as well as the ability to buy a house and head to Vegas at the beginning of July!

We also joined weight watchers at the beginning of the new year and I have lost 20lbs. Who knew.

Oh, and one of my best friends is moving to Denver and I am having a hard time with it. It will be awesome for her, but as juvenile as it sounds, we met before freshman orientation and have not been apart in the 10 years since. It also does not help that all of my close friends with the exception of 2 are currently in California, Berlin, China and now Denver. Maybe Peter Pan was on to something with this never land thing...

So life is good, but lately I have been keeping to myself.

Go do something that makes you happy!



- from my iPad

A better blogger

From this day forward I am going to be a better blogger.

This is a promise I have made many times before, but this time I mean it.

I can not say that the post will be long or not follow which ever tangent I start off on, but they will be frequent.

I can do this, it just like 20 Twitter post in a row...

- from my iPad

Location:The University of Chicago